I am a professor at University of Neuchatel and TU Delft. I am the director of Distributed Learning Systems Lab. I returned to academia, after a decade of industry experience at the IBM Research Zurich Lab. My research interests lie in the distinct areas of deep learning, distributed systems, and trust worthy technology. My research is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, Dutch National Science Foundation the European Union, IBM Research, ABB, TU Delft, ASM, Tata Steel, and ASML. My recent research focuses on generative AI and distributed machine learning algorithms and systems leads me to address following exciting research areas and questions.
I have multiple open PhD positions. If you are interested in them, please drop me an email at lydiaychen@ieee.org.
Generative AI systems:
how to discover the unnkown via the power of generative models, ranging from tables, time series to graph? I am exploring large langague models and diffusion models in collaboration with scientiest in natural science and manufactoring.
Privacy-preserving learning systems by synthetic data:
how to maximize the knowledge of while maintaining data privacy ? I am combining the deep generative models and privacy-enhancing technologies as a privacy-preserving data sharing solution.
Robust and privacy-preserving learning systems:
how to make learning algorithms robust against adversaries that maliciously manipulate data input? I am designing practical strategies and theories against attackers, e.g., free riders, and thief.
Federated machine learning systems:
how to decentralizedly learn deep learning models on heterogeneous clients who contentiously encounter new learning tasks and data domain shift? I am working on domain adaptation, and continual learning in FL.
[01/25] Our paper, “TabWak: A Watermark for Tabular Diffusion Models" , is accepted as a spotlight at ICLR 25
[01/25] Our paper, “CCBNet: Confidential Collaborative Bayesian Networks Inference" , is accepted at Financial Cypto 25
[01/25] Our paper, “TS-Inverse: A Gradient Inversion Attack tailored for
Federated Time Series Forecasting Models" , is accepted at SatML 25
[01/25] Our paper, “TabuLa: Harnessing Language Models for Tabular Data Synthesis" , is accepted at PAKDD 25
[08/24] Lydia will serve Middleware 25 TPC co-chairs
[06/24] Our paper, Our group has three papers accepted at SRDS 24
[04/24] Our paper, “Duwak: Dual Watermarks in Large Language Models" , is accepted at ACL 24
[02/24] Our paper, “SiloFuse: Cross-silo Synthetic Data Generation with Latent Tabular Diffusion Models." , is accepted in ICDE 24
[02/24] Our paper, “ElasticDNN: On-Device Neural Network Remodeling for Adapting Evolving Vision Domains at Edge" , is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Computers
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I have multiple open PhD positions. If you are interested in them, please drop me an email at lydiaychen@ieee.org.
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